Ceramic Filter Cartridges

Ceramic Filter Cartridges

Ceramic Filter Cartridges

This Filter is One of the best water filter cartridges in the world with it’s 0.2 Micron Doulton Ceramic for complete Micro Biological Protection as the first stage then a 1 micron carbon block filter as the second stage for Chemical, Chlorine, bad taste & odours and the third stage is an Ion exchange Resin for Heavy Metal removal giving you complete protection.
Absolute filtration to 0.9 microns 99.99%, Cysts including live Cryptosporidium 99.999%, Lead 98.3%, Chlorine 95% at 2PPM Reduces harmful bacteria like E.Coli, Shigella, Salmonella, Klebsiella & Cholera 99.99%
Flow rate 3.75 Lpm Capacity of 3750 Litres or 12 months depending on water quality.
The ceramic surface can be scrubbed clean with a scotch brite cleaning pad when required. Dimensions are 248mm by 72mm
Suits standard 10″ housings. Other part numbers include 21419, CE941
These filters have an endless shelf life if unused, so buy in bulk and save.
Working Conditions
Maximum Operating Temperature.....45 °C

  • Filtration of very fine particles and some micro-organisms.
  • Domestic use: filtration of drinking water.
  • Technical use: fine filtration of water with neutral pH (pH = 7).
  • Average life-span: 6 - 12 months.
  • Maintenance: surface scraping every 2 - 3 months.
  • Remark - use a pre-filter to protect the cartridge.

  • Non-toxic materials, suitable for drinking water. 
  • Filtering medium: ceramic, self-supporting frame.
  • Armouring: polypropylene. 
  • End caps: polypropylene. 
  • Flat seals: PVC.